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Saffron Valley Collegiate

What We Do

We offer a therapeutic curriculum aimed at enabling our young people to acquire the skills and knowledge to develop their potential and social emotional resilience with an emphasis on Maths and English

We aim to support all our young people to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve and have the ability to make positive contributions to their communities. We believe that every child and young person matters and are committed to improving the life chances of our pupils by removing barriers to participation and achievement.

The emphasis for permanently excluded students at KS3 is on either a return to a mainstream school or if their needs warrant it, to make an Education Health and Care Plan application, to ensure they return to an appropriate educational placement.

Back to school programme
This programme will involve being supported by an Induction and Reintegration Coordinator.  The focus of the support will include: how to cope in a mainstream environment; ELSA support to avoid repeating inappropriate behaviours that may have contributed to their referral to SVC. The programme could include the following support:
  • Anger Management
  • Development of appropriate social skills
  • Improving self-esteem and confidence
  • Drama therapy
  • Literacy and or numeracy support.
  • How to be successful in a ‘back to school interview’.
The reintegration coordinator will attend the school interview with students and parents and support for the first few weeks in mainstream as required. Pupils will compile their own back to school portfolio, with evidence of school readiness.
The pupils will be returned via the Fair Access Panel. This may take time, as meetings are held only once a month.
12 week Intervention Programme
The aims of the Intervention Programme are:
  • To provide timely short term intervention for pupils who are struggling to manage their learning in a mainstream school setting;
  • To provide opportunities for pupils to make social, emotional and academic progress within an appropriate environment, in preparation for returning to mainstream school;
  • To work with mainstream secondary schools to support and sustain pupils within mainstream provision;
  • To provide opportunities for pupils to have time to develop the skills to thrive in a mainstream classroom;
  • To support schools to manage the support needs of pupils as part of their transition from the PRU back into mainstream education.
The Intervention Programme:
  • Pupils will remain dual registered with their mainstream school.
  • Pupils will receive a time-limited intervention from SVC.  This will typically be 12 weeks, or 6 weeks in exceptional circumstances.
  • At the end of the intervention period, SVC will provide detailed reports, with recommendations, to support the school to continue working with the young person.
  • The pupil will return to their mainstream school.  
  • There will be ongoing post-reintegration support from SVC.
  • Pupils who have completed an intervention programme at SVC will not be accepted for an additional period of support.  Extensions to the agreed intervention period may be agreed, under exceptional circumstances.
  • Should the referring school, young person and their family feel that a fresh start in a new school would be more appropriate, the mainstream school will negotiate a managed move via the Fair Access Panel.

The Key Stage 3 Intervention Programme – a leaflet for parents.