Cognitive and Learning Needs
Basic / Universal Entitlement | SEN Provision (Level 1) |
EHCP (Level 2) |
Differentiated Teaching and Learning strategies | Cotelands based literacy / reading support group | LSA support in/out of class | One to one LSA support in/out of class |
Personalised Accelerated Learning | Monitored by SENCO. Possible short-term LSA support |
Focused teaching by LSA | One to one focused teaching by LSA |
Target setting procedures Academic tutoring Academic reviews |
Reading/Spelling/handwriting group One to one tuition (extra), e.g. LAC Maths/ English |
Coursework support | |
Monitoring by subject teacher, SENCO | Further Differentiated teaching and learning strategies e.g. adjustment to learning outcomes of classwork task, differentiated homework assignments, handouts and PowerPoint slides provided, handwriting paper | Referral to Educational Psychology Service (EPS) | Exam Access arrangements, e.g. extra time, amanuensis (reader, scribe) |
Varied curriculum pathways:
Adjustment to seating plans, etc | 1 to 1 work with TPRO Adjustment to examination loading, increased flexibility programme, extended work experience |
EHCP review of Statutory Provision |
bksbLIVE assessments and reporting on Maths, English and ICT levels MathsWatch CD |
bksbLIVE interventions for Maths and English | 1 to 1 LSA intervention with bksbLIVE interventions for Maths and English |