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Saffron Valley Collegiate

Information + Guidance

Who is the service for?

      Springboard Tuition Service provides education for those pupils who are unable to attend school because of short-term medical needs.

     Pupils who are receiving regular (recurring admissions) or long-term treatment in hospital are also entitled to tuition


How will my child qualify for the service?

         Your child must be absent from school for a minimum of fifteen school-days (during this time your child's school will remain responsible for their education)

        Medical evidence of your child's inability to attend school must be provided by a consultant (eg. consultant paediatrician, community paediatrician, CAMHS consultant, etc) not just your GP


How will the service find out about my child?

            Referrals to our service happen via several routes:

         A member of staff from school can refer your child to Springboard Tuition Service. This may be a Class Teacher, Head of Year, Special Needs Teacher, or the person who has responsibility for children with medical needs.  In a Primary School, the head teacher or class teacher may make the referral.

         Education Welfare Officers refer pupils who have been absent from school for three weeks or more, for medical reasons, to Springboard Tuition Service.

         Hospitals refer school-age patients who will need to be absent from school following hospital treatment.

         CAMHS (The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) may refer pupils who have mental health problems which prevent them from attending school.


If you are concerned, however, that a referral has not been made for you child, please contact the named person for children with medical needs at your child's school. 


What happens after my child has been referred to your service?

         You will be invited to a Planning Meeting: this will take place, as soon as possible, after the referral and medical letter have been received. Your child is welcome to attend if he/she feels well enough to do so. This usually takes place at school, but other venues can be used if more appropriate.

         Possible options for your child's education will be discussed, and a package will be agreed, this may be group tuition at the base, e-learning, or home tuition, or a combination.

          Where will tuition take place?

         Depending upon the level of your child’s illness or mobility, it may be at our nearest base, or in your home or at some other suitable venue

         If your child is in the process of reintegrating back into school after illness, tuition may take place in a quiet room at school.