What We Do
Teaching and Learning
We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which enables learners to make progress within a nurturing environment. Since many of our learners have experienced significant gaps in their schooling we provide small class sizes and an after school homework club tailored to individual support needs.
Emotionally based school refusal leads to a cycle of anxiety and further lack of engagement with education. It is paramount that our learners develop the resilience to address any barriers to attendance. We offer
- Designated spaces within the school setting for short-term intervention work, wherever possible.
- Dedicated support from our on-site attendance officer
- Support for families through school or multi agency network
- The opportunity for students to access additional 1:1 support from our team of Taskforce specialists ; which includes our Saffron Valley therapist team, youth worker, Family Workers and Speech and Language team
- Half termly rewards for outstanding attendance
- Regular letters to families to celebrate progress with attendance
Cotelands PSHE is an opportunity to support our students to develop self esteem, self management skills and resilience. The sessions widen the students knowledge of how to keep themselves safe and healthy as well as developing their sense of themselves as important and useful members of both their school community and the wider world.
To prepare for future progress beyond Cotelands we offer
- 1:1 Information and guidance sessions to support with Post 16 options
- Opportunities to attend mock interviews and work experience placements
- Support with college applications within PSHE lessons
Behaviour for Learning
All teachers at Cotelands contribute to establishing positive environment for learning through developing the social and emotional skills of our learners and ensuring students have clarity about what they need to do to make progress.