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What We Do

Reintegration to mainstream education 

The primary objective for the students is to reintegrate back to mainstream education. However, this will not be the case for all as some students benefit from a smaller learning environment. 

The induction and reintegration coordinator will work closely with students to assess their readiness to return to school. If a student has an excellent record of attendance, good focus and behaviour in lessons, they will be presented at the Fair Access Panel (FAP) to return to a mainstream school.

At the end of Year 11 we will support all students to transition to Post 16 education, employment or apprenticeships. To prepare for this we offer:

  • Careers guidance sessions including 1-1
  • Visits to educational providers 
  • Employability lessons 
  • Work experience placements
  • Support with CV building and Post 16 applicaitons

Therapeutic support

All pupils have access to the following:

  • Emotional Literacy Support Assistants Programme (ELSA) 
  • Mentoring - 1-1and group sessions 
  • Lexia programme to improve literacy 
  • Hegarty Maths 
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Drama therapy sessions
  • Access to the Educational Psychologist, to assess if there are any unidentified needs.
  • Taskforces support 

Behaviour for learning

All staff contribute to establishing a positive environment for learning. We believe in strong partnerships with parents and carers and will:

  • Send regular reports home
  • Individual termly meetings 
  • Weekly contact with parents/carers 
  • Rewards for positive behaviour and progress