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School and college exams are important milestones in every student’s life. Help your child maximise their outcomes by making sure they are aware of what is expected to avoid committing malpractice in this year’s exams.

Students, don't get caught out, make sure you know what you are allowed and not allowed to do when taking your GCSE and/or functional skills exams. 

Be Exam Smart - Keep mobile phones and smartwatches out of the exam room - 

Exam papers and questions on social media -

If you think you’ve seen a paper or a question before the exam, chances are it’s probably fake, but don’t risk losing marks or being disqualified.

If you see something you suspect is a leak, you must report it immediately to your provision and exams officer or to the relevant exam board if that would be quicker.

If you have seen it on social media you could also report it to the platform on which you saw it. 

Be prepared for your exam -

  1. Make sure you know ahead of time where and when the exams are for each subject you’re taking.

  2. Know which items you’re allowed to take in for each exam, approved calculators are only allowed in some exams.

  3. Use a clear pencil case and, if taking in a water bottle, make sure the label has been removed.